You are making an investment in Yourself, Your Time, Your Money, Your Energy, to become your best self.
Hi, I am Sue
I am a.... Daughter, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Partner, Ex-wife, Friend, Colleague, Boss, Leader, Employee, Student…
All these different relationships with diverse expectations of me, behaviours, beliefs, boundaries, actions, consequences, feelings, emotions, meant I had to be what I ‘thought’ was best for the people in my life. I built up so many different layers, I lost who I was.
Alcohol, denial, deflection ‘everything’s fine’ became a way of coping and not acknowledging, realizing or feeling what was actually happening. I made some bad decisions, errors of judgement, huge mistakes which consequently led to guilt, shame, embarrassment and fear. I hid this very well, continued my day-to-day responsibilities, no-one knew the struggles I had to keep going each day.

Take control of your decision to change your life.
What will it take... tragedy, job loss, relationship break down, terminal illness, the death of a loved one...what will be the catalyst for you to re-evaluate your life?
You have become a representation of other people's expectations, a partner, parent, friend, boss, colleague. Layers of responsibility, habits that no longer serve you, mundane repetition and familiarity have built up over the years.
You are stuck in the same cycle of unfulfilled routine, you want to break this cycle but you don't know where to start. Do you really want to wait for something tragic to force you to really look at who you are?
Are you ready to start a journey of awakening the potential that lies within you.
Understand your current
way of thinking.
Reframe your thoughts and
create positive outcomes
Understand what drives you
Recognize your abilities
Find your purpose
Embrace the internal shift that brings you into alignment with your highest potential. Step into your best self
Live the amazing and abundant life you have created…for you
Are You Ready to Get Started?
As a Transformation Life Coach, my goal, in its simplest form, is to work with amazing clients, who are prepared to make a commitment to themselves.
I can ask you a series of questions along these lines…
What is your biggest challenge?
What would life look like if you solved that challenge?
What would you like to achieve?
Trying to answer these can be quite overwhelming and you probably have no idea what your biggest challenge is, or what you want your life to look life or indeed, what you would like to achieve.